The Marseille fMRI centre is pleased to anounce:

the 8th annual fMRI workshop
Friday 5th June 2015


at CERIMED, Faculté de médecine de la Timone, Marseille

A one-day workshop gathering local, national and international experts on fMRI and functional anatomy in humans and non-human primates

To attend the conference for free, please subscribe on this website!


TO REGISTER (mandatory, limited places):

(1) First create your account HERE

(2) Then subscribe by filling out the form HERE

Registrations close on Friday 15th May 2015 



9:00am      Welcome & opening words Pascal BELIN (scientific director of the Marseille fMRI Centre)

Morning session  A variety of analytical approaches for fMRI  (Chair: Jenny Coull, LNC)

9:10am  Keynote speaker: Ryota KANAI (University of Sussex, UK)

An individual differences approach to structure-function relationships in the human brain

10:10am  Thierry CHAMINADE (INT, Marseille)

Revisiting the functions of Broca's area with fMRI, DTI and MVPA: preliminary results

10:40am  Coffee break

11:00am  Leila REDDY (CerCo, Toulouse)

Object Representations in Adult Visual Cortex are Flexible : an Associative Learning study

11:45am  Magali COMTE (INT, Marseille)

Functional neuroimaging of the cortico-limbic system during emotional processing in healthy suvjects and schizophrenia patients

12:15am  Lunch, Mediterranean buffet "Blandine Cuisine"


Afternoon Session  Motor system, Communication & Language (Chair: Adrien Meguerditchian, LPC)

1:45pm  Keynote speaker: William D. HOPKINS (GSU, Atlanta, US)

Cortical Organization in the Chimpanzee Brain as revealed by MRI: Behavioral and Cognitive Correlates

2:45pm  Marieke LONGCAMP (LNC, Marseille)

Functional specificity of premotor activations in handwriting

3:15 Coffee break

3:45pm  Fadila HADJ-BOUZIANE (Inserm, Bron-Lyon)

Resting state and face perception networks explored by fMRI in monkeys

4:30am  Damien MARIE (GIN, Bordeaux)

On the origin of hemispheric specialization for language: variability of perisylvian brain anatomy in humans and baboons

5:00  Drinks                                  


With the imminent arrival of a new-generation 3T fMRI scanner in Marseille, the aim of this workshop is to bring together and unite scientific and clinical communities interested in functional brain imaging.

Looking forward to seeing you on 5th June!.

On behalf of the Marseille fMRI Centre,
the organisaters,












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