9h00 Accueil – Pascal BELIN (Directeur scientifique du Centre IRMf)
Session A variety of analytical approaches for fMRI (Moderatrice : Jenny Coull, LNC)
9h10 Plénière Ryota KANAI (University of Sussex, UK)
An individual differences approach to structure-function relationships in the human brain
10h10 Thierry CHAMINADE (INT, Marseille)
Revisiting the functions of Broca's area with fMRI, DTI and MVPA: preliminary results
10h40 Pause Café
11h00 Leila REDDY (CerCo, Toulouse)
Object Representations in Adult Visual Cortex are Flexible : an Associative Learning study
11h45 Magali COMTE (INT, Marseille)
Functional neuroimaging of the cortico-limbic system during emotional processing in healthy subjects and schizophrenia patients
12h15 Pause Déjeuner, Buffet méditerranéen "Blandine Cuisine"
Session Motor system, Communication & Language (Moderateur : Adrien Meguerditchian, LPC)
13h45 Plénière William D. HOPKINS (GSU, Atlanta, US)
Cortical organization in the chimpanzee brain as revealed by MRI: Behavioral & cognitive correlates
14h45 Marieke LONGCAMP (LNC, Marseille)
Functional specificity of premotor activations in handwriting
15h15 Pause Café
15h45 Fadila HADJ-BOUZIANE (Inserm, Bron-Lyon)
Resting state and face perception networks explored by fMRI in monkeys
16h30 Damien MARIE (GIN, Bordeaux)
On the origin of hemispheric specialization for language: variability of perisylvian brain anatomy in humans and baboons
17h00 Cocktail